Those who enjoy a Lazy-Boy recliner as their favorite reading chair yet wish it were more mobile, stylish, and even more thrilling than usual, will be pleased to learn that Russian industrial designer Irina Zhdanova has dreamed up a solution so that comfy reading on the move, with zero fuel costs, avant-garde looks, AND built-in thrills and bookshelf is now a reality.
Clearly the photographer who imagined the reader seated in the photo didn't capture the essence of the Rolling Reader, which is essentially an amusement park ride as envisioned for the thrill-seeking text-junkie unwilling to engage motor neurons in pursuit of sensation. As depicted, however, the reader is seated in a very uncomfortable position: Slouched, with no back support, this person is headed for Sciatica City.
No, the optimal way to use the Rolling Reader is to drape one's length along the cushioned inside rim in lazy, languorous, louche, decadent bum mode (I may be projecting personal behavior here, but you get the idea). While all the big, heavy books are shelved at the bottom for low center of gravity and ballast, a little body English will be all that is necessary to get you moving.
How many times has this happened to you: You're reading on the couch and so comfortable that you dare not move a muscle lest the spell be broken but if you don't have a handful of popcorn Right Now! you may spontaneously combust? Yes, it's only twenty steps to the kitchen but for the seriously sedentary ambulation is overrated.
Problem now solved: Just roll yourself from the living room to the kitchen and back again (don't forget to bring the bag of popcorn back with you).
A few basic necessities are conspicuously absent: Brakes, and for those who wish to read al fresco on city streets, seat belts. It'd probably be a good idea to stuff the bookshelf tight with tomes before putting the rolling reader into gear; flying first editions are not a pretty sight. Use the bike/reading lane. Don't forget to use hand signals when turning, a quick thrust of the glutes to one side or another all that's necessary for left-right maneuvers.
And while it should go without saying, please have reader's insurance should you be involved in an accident.
Clearly the photographer who imagined the reader seated in the photo didn't capture the essence of the Rolling Reader, which is essentially an amusement park ride as envisioned for the thrill-seeking text-junkie unwilling to engage motor neurons in pursuit of sensation. As depicted, however, the reader is seated in a very uncomfortable position: Slouched, with no back support, this person is headed for Sciatica City.
No, the optimal way to use the Rolling Reader is to drape one's length along the cushioned inside rim in lazy, languorous, louche, decadent bum mode (I may be projecting personal behavior here, but you get the idea). While all the big, heavy books are shelved at the bottom for low center of gravity and ballast, a little body English will be all that is necessary to get you moving.
How many times has this happened to you: You're reading on the couch and so comfortable that you dare not move a muscle lest the spell be broken but if you don't have a handful of popcorn Right Now! you may spontaneously combust? Yes, it's only twenty steps to the kitchen but for the seriously sedentary ambulation is overrated.
Problem now solved: Just roll yourself from the living room to the kitchen and back again (don't forget to bring the bag of popcorn back with you).
A few basic necessities are conspicuously absent: Brakes, and for those who wish to read al fresco on city streets, seat belts. It'd probably be a good idea to stuff the bookshelf tight with tomes before putting the rolling reader into gear; flying first editions are not a pretty sight. Use the bike/reading lane. Don't forget to use hand signals when turning, a quick thrust of the glutes to one side or another all that's necessary for left-right maneuvers.
And while it should go without saying, please have reader's insurance should you be involved in an accident.
Dear Stephen,
Thank you for the kind words. Since one good turn deserves another I am sending you a copy of The Ex Libris Chronicle fresh off the presses from The American Society of Bookplate Collectors and Designers.
And thank, you, Lew. (Note to readers: no quid pro quo here).
If you find a bookplate that tells a particularly compelling story, let me know. I’d enjoy writing about it, if you haven’t done so already.