It's teeming jungle in Book Blogopolis, the city that never sleeps - because its denizens are either reading books or writing about them. In the last few years, its population has grown so dramatically that, were he alive today, Malthus would experience a herniated cerebral hemisphere.
Let Booktryst, its most recent inhabitant yet a long-term tourist, help guide you to the best, with emphasis on those covering the old and rare book world.
BibliOdyssey: "Peaycay" in Sydney, Australia curates this outstanding site featuring Books~~Illustrations~~Science~~History~~Visual Materia Obscura~~Eclectic Bookart.
Biblioblography : Bookseller Brian Cassidy's Adventures of a Rare Book Dealer (and Former Small Bookshop Owner).
Bibliophile Bullpen: Provides "a whiff of old books with your coffee."
The Book Bench: Brought to you by The New Yorker magazine. A blog about reading, buying, and selling books.
Book Hunter's Holiday: Bookseller Chris Bunje Lowenstein's adventures with books and manuscripts.
Book Patrol: Seattle bookseller Michael Lieberman covers the local scene, books and technology,
and whatever strikes his book-fancy.
Confessions of a Bookplate Junkie: Lew Jaffe's got it bad. And that's good.
The Dusty Bookcase: Canadian literateur Brian Busby covers the under-appreciated world of Canadian literature, high and low.
Eureka Books: Scott Brown and Jack Irvine observe the world of books from their vantage point in Eureka, CA.
The Fine Books Blog: Fine Books & Collections magazine's ace team, including Nicholas Basbanes, on the world of rare books and book people.