Book Blogopolis

It's teeming jungle in Book Blogopolis, the city that never sleeps - because its denizens are either reading books or writing about them. In the last few years, its population has grown so dramatically that, were he alive today, Malthus would experience a herniated cerebral hemisphere.

Let Booktryst, its most recent inhabitant yet a long-term tourist, help guide you to the best, with emphasis on those covering the old and rare book world.

BibliOdyssey: "Peaycay" in Sydney, Australia curates this outstanding site featuring Books~~Illustrations~~Science~~History~~Visual Materia Obscura~~Eclectic Bookart.
Biblioblography  : Bookseller Brian Cassidy's Adventures of a Rare Book Dealer (and Former Small Bookshop Owner).
Bibliophile Bullpen: Provides "a whiff of old books with your coffee."
The Book Bench: Brought to you by The New Yorker magazine. A blog about reading, buying, and selling books.
Book Hunter's Holiday: Bookseller Chris Bunje Lowenstein's adventures with books and manuscripts. 
Book Patrol: Seattle bookseller Michael Lieberman covers the local scene, books and technology,
and whatever strikes his book-fancy.
Confessions of a Bookplate Junkie: Lew Jaffe's got it bad. And that's good.
The Dusty Bookcase: Canadian literateur Brian Busby covers the under-appreciated world of Canadian literature, high and low.
Eureka Books: Scott Brown and Jack Irvine observe the world of books from their vantage point in Eureka, CA. 
The Fine Books Blog: Fine Books & Collections magazine's ace team, including Nicholas Basbanes, on the world of rare books and book people. 
FoggyGates: A Bookish Blog from Forrest Proper, proprietor of Joslyn Hall Rare Books.
Jacket Copy: Books, authors and all things bookish from the Los Angeles Times.
Lux Mentis: Rare books, random musings and fun from bookseller Ian Kahn.
PhiloBiblos: Reviews of books old and new, book history and library culture from Jeremy 
Dibbell, Boston bibliophile, book hunter, and reference librarian.
The Private Library: L.D. Mitchell's blog. Just go there.
Nota Bene: Musing on books, literature, poetry, and so much more from Nigel Beale, host of the Biblio File Radio Show. 
Paper Cuts: From the editors of the New York Times Book Review. 
Past is Present:An online forum from the American Antiquarian Society.
Notes for Bibliophiles:From Rick Ring, Special Collections Librarian at Providence Public Library (and much more). 
Rare Books @ Princeton: Pretty much sums it up.
New York Public Library: Illuminates collections and services at the NYPL. 
Raven-ous!: From the Providence Athenaeum, Providence, RI. 
Minsky's American Book Covers: Richard Minsky on the art of American book covers.
Books Tell You Why: Bookseller Joachim Koch is all over the place on books and it's a good place to be. 
Patrick Spedding Research Notes and Informal Writing: Very interesting articles, etc., by the Lecturer in English Literature and Deputy Director of the Centre for the Book at Monash University, and bibliographer of Eliza Haywood, 18th century England's most popular female novelist.
Ninteenth Century Dust Jackets: Mark Godburn's go-to spot has a lock on the subject.
The Obelist en Route by Kevin Johnson at Royal Books is deconstructing the twentieth century with unbridled enthusiasm and general disregard. But you shouldn't disregard it.
Bookman's Log, from Greg Gibson of Ten Pound Island Book Company,  is "a weekly blog of news, gossip, recent adventures and acquisitions, and deep thinking about the antiquarian book trade."

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