News of current special sales by a handful of rare book dealers has come to our attention.
Lee Kaplan's Arcana: Books on the Arts is having a sale through the end of this month. All online, email and phone sales are discounted 10%; all books sold within the shop are being offered at 25% off through October 24th (but likely through the 31st). If you live in Los Angeles I urge you to visit Arcana.
Brian Cassidy, Bookseller, is currently offering An Inconsistently Formatted Sale List of Signed Books & Letters, Comprised Mainly of Literature, With Enough Poetry, Americana & Other Assorted Genres to Alleviate Boredom. It succeeds.
Kevin Johnson, monarch of Royal Books, has over 900 books on sale at up to 50% off. It's a varied list with a lot of goodies, well-priced.
Ira Joel Haber's Cinemage Books has lowered prices on 254 books across many categories; check them out here. Ira is also an fine artist. Be a patron of the arts as well as to a rare bookseller.
Howard Prouty is on vacation but while he's away ReadInk is selling all books at 25% off through October 28, 2011. Check out ReadInk's home page for details.
Howard Prouty is on vacation but while he's away ReadInk is selling all books at 25% off through October 28, 2011. Check out ReadInk's home page for details.
There's no fine print to worry about with any of these sales, so act today! Supplies are limited! Accept no substitutes! Such deals! Be the first one on your block to own any of these fine books from these fine dealers.
Tell 'em Groucho sent you. They'll probably still sell you the books.
Images courtesy of Arcana: Books on the Arts, offering those books, with our thanks.
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