AUBREY BEARDSLEY (1872-1898) Chaix, Paris, 1897. Cropped plate from Les Affiches Etrangères. The original poster was published in 1894. |
In 1894, Aubrey Beardsley created a poster to advertise T. Fisher Unwin's Children's Books.
"Printed in black and its most common form it was used to advertise Topsys and Turvys by P.S. Newell, four works by Palmer Cox, the first 19 volumes in Unwin's Children's Library, The Land of Puck by Mary Mapes Dodge, and the magazine St. Nicholas.
"According to Gallatin the poster was also produced in reduced size [as here, 1897].
"Copeland and Day also used Beardsley's drawing (printed in black and yellow) on a poster promoting The Yellow Book... They did so without Unwin's authorization, a step which led to an acrimonious correspondence between the two publishers and threats of legal action after the design was reproduced in an article about posters published in the March 1896 issue of The Overland Monthly, an American periodical" (Lasner).
Lasner 75. Gallitan 791.
"Printed in black and its most common form it was used to advertise Topsys and Turvys by P.S. Newell, four works by Palmer Cox, the first 19 volumes in Unwin's Children's Library, The Land of Puck by Mary Mapes Dodge, and the magazine St. Nicholas.
"According to Gallatin the poster was also produced in reduced size [as here, 1897].
"Copeland and Day also used Beardsley's drawing (printed in black and yellow) on a poster promoting The Yellow Book... They did so without Unwin's authorization, a step which led to an acrimonious correspondence between the two publishers and threats of legal action after the design was reproduced in an article about posters published in the March 1896 issue of The Overland Monthly, an American periodical" (Lasner).
Lasner 75. Gallitan 791.
Image courtesy of Swann Galleries, with our thanks.
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