By Linda Hedrick
Are you ready to commence with your new year resolutions? Eager to show the world the new you? Perhaps you need some help with expressing the metamorphosis you are going through on your way to your stellar 2011 self. If so, we can help with an area you probably haven’t had time to consider yet – a new font. A font that personalizes your every communication. One that screams your name at first sight. Consider some of these:
For illustrating the bare bones of your conceptions, this font is for you. This isn’t your pirate’s crossbones or your dog's favorite treats, but the anatomist’s dream. Each letter is a work of art on its own. Designed by Bjorn Johansson of Stockholm, he calls this font Typeface Anatomy. Anatomy is an apt choice for book lovers when you consider that the vocabulary of books shares many words with the vocabulary of the body, i.e. spine, foot, back, joints...
Inspired by the capitals of the Baskerville Old Face font, Anthon Beeke fashioned his letters from nude women. The Naked Ladies Alphabet is from the 1970s, but will never be dated as long as the human form remains the same. Published by De Jong & Co. printers in 1970, this alphabet still retains its popularity. (Click on link above for the "making of" video.) Perchance this embodies the spirit you wish to exhibit.
Arjan Benning is a photographer who designed his alphabet using human skin and clothespins. Using these fonts can readily express the pain of writing if the words are just not flowing for you. No need to know exactly what parts of skin are used for each letter, anyone can feel the discomfort just by looking at them. Perfect for any painful communications you must undertake, or just letting everyone know the skinny.
Perhaps you enjoy the thought of expressing yourself through body imagery, but prefer something flirtier, and more feminine. "Speak to me only with thine eyes," you are thinking. Well, we can help you express yourself that way as well. Painstakingly created with false eyelashes, Amitis Pahlevan's Eyelash Font is the one for you! Now you can give them an eyeful in a stylish manner.
If you are a fashionista you are probably looking for a font bodily connected but showing your keen sense of how to dress it. Dutch designer Yvette Yang has created a collage-based font she calls Fashion Font. Updating it twice a year, each set also functions as a fashion archive. This font is a shoe-in for fashion devotees.
So, maybe you want something along the fashion lines, but more masculine...something that gets down to the basics. No fear, we have something that reflects the inner you but still protects your privacy: the Jockstrap-font by Pier Gustafson may be just for you! Mr. Gustafson would be happy to design any type of missive you may wish to send out. Wedding invitations, anyone?
Wait! Maybe you are not interested in anything to do with the body. Possibly room decor is your thing. Lucky for you we can help you with that interest as well. The Butler Bros Furniture Font may couch your ideas with the right framework.
All right, maybe we are missing the mark entirely. You want something authoritative, magisterial, official, let's say presidential. The 44th President by Insigne is just the ticket. Like President Obama this font slants slightly to the left, and was designed using some of his handwritten notes. If you choose to buy this font (samples here), proceeds will go to charity. Unlike its namesake, this font won't reverse itself.
If your new year's resolutions include living a greener lifestyle, we have a font that could map your unclouded brainstorms. Rhett Dashwood's Google Maps Typography was designed using aerials shots from - you guessed it - Google Maps. Each letter is an actual place found within the state of Victoria, Australia. Click on each letter below his alphabet on his website to see the actual Google Map and its exact location.
Ah, but we have something as well for the foodies among us. Dip the fruits of your mental labors into caramel. The Karamel Sans CE font was designed by Marta Maštálková, who was awarded The Outstanding Student Design by the Design Centre of the Czech Republic in 2006 for this font. It was created by pouring warm, viscous caramel onto glass in the shape of letters. Sweet! Perfect for oozing those sweet nothings.
We hope that we have assisted you with making your plans for the new year. Whatever your choice might be, we here at Booktryst wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2011!
Images courtesy of their respective websites. Top image courtesy of Kathy Barbro.
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