The Royal Standard Typewriter is the ideal machine for the Author or Journalist, because of its versatility - added convenience. A literary man MUST be original: he should use the writing machine whose whole keynote is originality.
The Royal is not made especially for the use of writers, but for EVERYBODY who needs a typewriter. It is essentially the businessman's machine, complete in every detail.
Everything Included.
No Extras.
You've heard of the "master key" that fits every lock - did you ever hear of a Master-Model of a typewriter?
One Typewriter With the Combined Advantages of Many!
One Typewriter With the Combined Advantages of Many!
Think of all the combined advantages of several typewriters you have seen, concentrated in ONE standard writing-machine that handles perfectly every known form of general correspondence and does card-writing and condensed billing besides - without a single extra attachment to complicate the mechanism or add extra cost to your typewriter equipment - and you will have a fairly good conception of the MASTER-MODEL of the Royal!
The Best Built Typewriter in the World
Write for the "Royal Book" - or send for a "Royal Man"
Room 93, Royal Typewriter Building, NEW YORK
Branches and Agencies in All Parts of the World
A literary man MUST be original: he should use the writing machine whose whole keynote is originality. Which is why I used a Royal Standard Typewriter to compose this post. I simply thought about it and the machine responded with original text. It's magic! And with the Royal Standard Typewriter I never experience the blue screen of death, so common with inferior machines of later invention.
Full Disclosure: In 1913, the year this advertisement appeared and thirty-eight years before I was born, I received a lifetime supply of typewriter ribbons from the Royal Typewriter Company in exchange for product placement and personal endorsement.
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